Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Proud Fathers

I enjoy watching youth hockey games. I not only enjoy watching my grandson play, but I enjoy the time I can spend with my other grandchildren and family. I was able to get a few hugs from my grand daughter and told her about the article posted below. I would read that article to my 4th/5th grade SS class each year as well. We all need hugs, and remember, all hugs are not always physical. Sadly, we discourage "hugs" because of the misguided actions of a few sick people.
I clipped this from the newspaper several years ago-I carry it in my Bible and would share it with my 4th/5th grade SS class each year.  I think its even more true today. Its called;   "Hug your Way to Health"
Virginia Satir, believes people need a minimum of 10 hugs a day in order to survive. If people want to develop, they need up to 15 hugs a day. Children need even more. When was the last time you got a hug?
People under stress need even more hugs per day in order to function effectively- maybe as many as 20! Hugs make you feel good because they show you someone cares about you and likes you. They reinforce your self-esteem, they give you a breathing space and a break from stressful situations, and they allow for contact with other people. When you are under stress, you cannot get enough of a good thing!

Hugs don't have to be physical all the time. They can be comliments, a kind word, a favor, encouragement, a smile, a "hello", a friendly nod in your direction- all the things we often forget to do.

Hugs in our society have become connected with sex, but that is a special kind of hug. People deserve "politeness hugs", consideration, courtesy and kind words, too.

What should you do if you're not getting your full daily hug quota? Ask for them! There is nothing wrong with that- if the askee says no, just ask someone else. but I seriously doubt you'll be refused. Most people are happy to give out hugs.

I've found that giving hugs is almost as much fun as getting them. In fact, the benefits yiou get giving two hugs equals the benefits you get of receiving on hug!w\

When was the last time you gave someone ahug of any kind? If your total of giving hugs is low, you might want to think of ways to increase the number of hugs you give each day. The people around you will really appreciate it, and your stress will definelty be lower.
Cheering her brother on!

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