Friday, November 30, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

Wish you
A Merry Christmas!
This our favorite time of year
A season with hope and good cheer
Now to hear back from friends far and near
Thankful  for  the memories from this past year
Dennis completed 25 years at work, so could retire
We enjoyed trips to Reno and Lincoln City this summer
Jan taught at Royal Family, and Abigail the Clown did retire
Quilts, needlework, spinning yarn, sewing and artwork in a fair
Dennis enjoys Facebook, blogging, and made 13 videos this year
Still have Mouse our cat, and Barney and Squeaky our green conure
Silverwood park, Stehekin boat trip, Youth Circus, and walks to store
May God Bless you  with a  Merry Christmas  and A Happy New Year
Dennis and Janice Hendricks