Thursday, August 22, 2013

It takes time to Juggle

When I first saw this video I wondered if he was actually doing all of this, later my friend said he saw him live in Las Vagas and he was doing all of it. My wife juggles a bit, and I do not, this guy is good. I am no expert on juggleing, but I know  it takes time and practice- it does not just happen naturally.
A man is driving home, when is pulled over by a patrolman for a broken blinker. The cop looks into the guys' car and sees a collection of knives in the backseat.
"Sir," the cop says. "Why do you have all those knives?"
"They're for my juggling act," the man says.
"I don't believe you," says the cop. "Prove it."
So the man gets out of his car and begins juggling the knives.
At the same time, a car with two guys in it drives by.
"Man," says the first guy. "I'm glad I quit drinking. These new sobriety tests are hard."

How do you kill a circus?
Go for the juggler.

Did you hear about the sick juggler?
 He couldn't stop throwing up!

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