Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tim Lovelace

Tim Lovelace is a very talented man- I first heard him in a comedy song on the Gaithers called the Fourth Man. He has many comedy videos on youtube and this one caught my attention- his talent at piano playing! I took piano lessons in the 6th grade but have forgotten it all. Check out this video, you will laugh and recogize his impression of many piano player legands. Who says music cannot be fun? And never judge a book by its cover.
At a posh wedding reception in Beverly Hills the pianist falls into the swimming pool. The pianist flails furiously while calling for help, yelling "help me! I can't swim!" One of the other guests who happens to be at the poolside says "So...? I can't play the piano and you don't hear me complaining."

Piano Tuner: I've come to tune the piano.
Music Teacher: But we didn't send for you.
Piano Tuner: No, but the people who live across the street did.

The audience at a piano recital was appalled when a telephone rang just off stage. Without missing a note the soloist glanced toward the wings and called, "If that's my agent, tell him I'm working!"

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