Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Broken Pieces

Steve & Annie Chapman have been one of my favorite singer/writers since the 80's. I am not an expert on marriage or divorce- I hope I never had to deal with a divorce- it probably is nothing I have done to deserve that- but because of God, and prayers of so many. I also appreciate the example my parents set- I remember one fight they had when I was in 3rd grade- I went to Minot with my dad and bought a wall picture for my mom to encourage her- she kept that all her life and now I have it hanging downstairs. My dad never did talk about his parents divorce and I could tell in his diary he was confused when his sister got a divorce.  I hope none of you have had to deal with such an issue as a child. I am glad Church's are speaking out on marriage more and more- I certainly see no need to wait until June 9th though...
It’s one of those cases where you may win the battle but lose the war. In marriage, it’s either win-win or lose-lose. There is no win-lose. If you both don’t win, you both lose.

When you have children, your marriage is now more important, not less, because other people are counting on you!

Never think that you are doing your children a favor by prioritizing them over your husband.

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