Friday, October 4, 2019

Down In The Ditch

October 4th, 1993  I started work for WSDOT in Wenatchee. It really was a blessing; as we had just bought this house, our oldest daughter was a senior in High School, Jan had just started her job, and I was on city council- so moving would have changed our lives greatly. That previous month,  I commuted to Kent; as I had to transfer to Kent, or quit my WUTC job. That following year I would learn that additional layoffs at WUTC occurred, if I had stayed with them. DOT has been good to me and I have worked with some great friends. My first winter was spent on Stevens pass working nights plowing snow. I love the variety of work we perform and our goal of keeping the roads open for you.
In 2003 I went to the NCR Striping Crew in the summers and continued to work in maintenance for winters. I actually worked for two different bosses (ok, 3 with my wife) for 14 years. Two years ago last September, I accepted an opening back in Wenatchee maintenance, where I now work.
Thanks to Luther Beatty for hiring me- I have gone thru about a dozen different lead techs, about 7 supervisors and about 6 superintendents.  I enjoy working 4 ten hour days.  I had been assigned to Stevens, and Leavenworth, besides working in Wenatchee. I have seen many changes, shared many laughs, shared some sorrows-and have so many memories that I treasure. I welcome the new hires and it is tougher each time to say goodbye to those retiring or have passed on- just in this video that was made 2 years ago, I counted 14 retired/quit and one who passed on. The Lord Willing I hope to retire March 1st. It really has worked out great and has gone by so fast.

My friend was fired from his job at the road department for stealing. I have to say I saw it coming. The last time I was at his house all the signs were there.

My father's father wanted to know if he could stay with the company in spite of the many changes. They ended up grandfathering him in

Two mentally-challenged fellows are digging a ditch, when one of them asks the other, "Why are we both down in this ditch digging in the hot sun, doing all the work, while our foreman sits in the shade, smoking a cigar, reading a newspaper, and he gets paid more than we do?" His partner says, "I dunno. Why don't you go ask him?" So he climbs out of the ditch, and goes over to where the foreman is. "We were wondering why are we both down in this ditch digging in the hot sun, doing all the work, while you sit in the shade, smoking a cigar, reading a newspaper, and get paid more than we do?" The foreman says, "Well, it's because of education." "Ed-you-kay-shun? What the heck is that?" The foreman smiles broadly, "I was hoping you'd ask that." He puts his hand up on a big tree and says, "Now, you take your shovel, and hit my hand just as HARD as you can." Wow, the old boy's been waiting for a chance like this, so he really cranks up his backswing and let's it fly. But *just* before it hits his hand, the foreman jerks it away. The shovel meets the tree, "BLANG," and the fellow kinda "vibrates" back down into the ditch. His buddy says, "What'd he say?" "Well, he said that the reason why we both down in this ditch digging in the hot sun, doing all the work, while he sits in the shade, smoking a cigar, reading a newspaper, and get paid more than we do is because of ed-you-kay-shun." "Ed-you-kay-shun? What the heck is that?" (smiling broadly) "I was hoping you'd ask that." (puts his hand up in front of his face) "Now, you take your shovel and hit my hand just as HARD as you can..."

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