Monday, November 11, 2013

Return to Makin Island

Happy Veterans Day! Todays video is true story. I was born after this war, but I owe a great debt to those who fought for my freedom. It is with great honor, respect and a lump in my throat, I say Thank You. I do not take our freedom for granted. Freedom is not Free- someone paid the price. May we never loose our freedom. Those wars go on every day still, and we must stand guard- so our grandchildren can enjoy the freedoms we have. Thank you to every one who has served our country.

The Unknown Sentinel

After 21 seconds he walks 21 steps and repeats the process again and again.                
Since July 1, 1937 a relatively small number of hand-picked soldiers have stood guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The tough duty is not for everyone. Over 80 percent of the soldiers who try out for guard duty at the Tomb do not make it.                
Each soldier must have strong military bearing, discipline, stamina, and present an outstanding soldierly appearance. Each sentinel must be able to flawlessly perform seven different types of walks, honors, and ceremonies. They must retain vast amounts of knowledge concerning the Tomb, Arlington National Cemetery, the United States Army, and their unit. They can have no military or civilian convictions for violating the law. They must score a minimum of 250 on the Army Physical Fitness Test. Their height must be within 5’11” and 6’4.” They need a 30-inch waist and be able to present a soldierly appearance in the Army Blue Uniform.                
The Tomb Guards make personal sacrifices to have the honor of serving in their special role. They work on a team rotation similar to firefighters at a firehouse. Those soldiers who serve well for at least nine months are rewarded with a special badge to wear on their uniforms that acknowledges their service at the Tomb of the Unknowns. If they ever bring shame on the tomb that they guard or otherwise fail in their duty they are stripped of the badge and the honor that goes with it.                
-- Michael Otterstatter

I had to share this too, from Darrell Elliott
Blessings on all the VETS today. I pray that each of you would know the one who fought and won the battle for your eternal life. He is not buried in an honored tomb but if he is the " unknown soldier" to you his name is Jesus

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