Friday, November 25, 2016

Blue Christmas

Blue Christmas was first recorded in 1948- 68 years ago. It was written by written by Billy Hayes and Jay W. Johnson.  It has been recorded by numerous artists, probably most famously by Elvis Presley who first recorded it in 1957 and released in 1964. I found very few Christian artists doing this song? I added a few photos of friends/family who I miss this time of year and have gone on. There are many more friends/family who are stored in my heart but did not have a photo handy to share. I always look forward to Christmas letters back, sadly some of those have stopped as well. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and I owe a lot to those who have gone on but left an example for me. For you who have fresh grief this Christmas, I understand. It is ok to Grieve- it shows you loved that person. So with only 30 days till Christmas- I turned on the lights today and I am ready to celebrate Christmas. We normally send out Christmas cards on December 7th each year- just 14 days from now.

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