Saturday, December 13, 2014

Bob Hope Christmas Special

Forty seven years ago this video was made-  I actually remember watching the Bob Hope Christmas specials on TV when I was young and ones to the troops were my favorite. Bob Hope has passed on but what a hero.  When I think of Christmas, I think of those who serve(d) during Christmas many times overseas and away from their loved ones.  I would like to pay tribute to our soldiers who fight for our freedoms. One thing I will always remember and be grateful to, is Bob Hope who would spend his Christmas's with the troops overseas.  May it remind you to pray for our troops and their families as well as thank those who served in the past as well, including many in this video. Merry Christmas to our Military and their families.

10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash -
 Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash.

I was out in the garden all day yesterday.. I ironed the lawn... smoothed out the grass... put every blade in it's place...
and I still missed the putt anyway.
(ca. 1948)
I bought a horse with four other guys... I don't know which of it belongs to me... but I think it's the part you don't put the two dollars on.
Well, we're coming up on June, the month of weddings. You know marriage is making a big comeback. I know personally that in Hollywood people are marrying people they never married before. (5/25/1982)
"I don't know what people have against Jimmy Carter. He's done nothing." –Campaigning for Ronald Reagan against Carter
"Where else but in America could the women's liberation movement take off their bras, then go on TV to complain about their lack of support?"

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