Saturday, November 2, 2013

Excuses, More Excuses

Its a fine line, do you go to church to be a blessing or receive a blessing? I wonder if I need both. When you give, even make the effort to attend when you don't feel like it- God blesses us. I am so thankful for our pastor(s) and the many who work to make it happen each service. (nursery, janitors, teachers, ushers, soundbooth, and those how gave so we could have such a nice building) I am so blessed with a wonderful church home- I hope you are as well.
“The difference between listening to a radio sermon and going to almost like the difference between calling your girl on the phone and spending an evening with her.”
Dear Pastor:  
You often stress attendance at worship as being very important for a Christian, but I think a person has a right to miss now and then. I think every person ought to be excused for the following reasons and the number of times indicated.
Christmas Holidays (the Sunday before & after): 2
New Years (the party lasted too long): 1
Easter (get away for the holidays): 2
July 4th (national holidays): 1
Labor Day (need to get away): 2
Memorial Day (visit hometown folk): 1
School closing (kids need a break): 1
School reopens (one last fling): 1
Family reunions (mine & wife’s): 3
Sleep late (stayed up too long Saturday night): 9
Deaths in family: 2
Anniversary (second honeymoon): 1
Sickness (one per family member): 5
Business trip (a must): 1
Vacation (three to four weeks): 6
Bad weather (ice, snow, rain, clouds): 2
Ball games: 2
Races: 2
Unexpected company (can’t walk out): 2
Time changes (spring & fall): 2
Specials on TV (superbowl, etc): 3
Pastor, that leaves two Sundays per year. So, you can count on us to be in church on the 4th Sunday in February and the 3rd Sunday in August unless we are providentially hindered.

A Faithful Member                      

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