Sunday, April 28, 2013

What Was I Supposed To Be?

What a week- I had the joy to hold my 6th grandchild who was just born! I have held my three children maybe even as the first one to hold them- so it really sickens me to read the news of doctors aborting any baby and a president who asks God to Bless Planned Parenthood. (sic, sic, sic.) Life is precious and we need to protect those who cannot protect themselves- no matter what age. Killing is wrong. For you who may think its ok to kill- maybe you can contact your legislators to at least object from using our tax dollars  to fund Planned Parenthood? Today's song is "What was I Supposed To Be" by Ray Boltz. I am amazed how some Christians are allowed to judge and others are not?  Don't accept my or others beliefs, go by the Word of God and don't let others muddy your thinking. Below I shared posts from Mike Huckabee regarding this weeks trial of a so called Doctor, and a post from obama/Rush Limbaugh.
The judge in the murder trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell threw out three of the seven murder charges against him. He didn’t explain why. But the defense phase is finally beginning, and Gosnell’s attorney is using an argument that we’ve heard before in unconscionable crimes throughout history: that the victims weren’t really human. He argued that there’s “not one piece…of, scientific evidence that anyone was born alive” at Gosnell’s clinic. As for the grand jury report that one baby was “moving and breathing for 20 minutes” before an assistant cut his spinal cord, Gosnell’s attorney insisted, “That wasn’t a baby moving.” He said that one spasm, or movement, or breath isn’t enough to prove that a baby is alive. You know, he might have a point. I’m starting to think that you can have a medical license or a law degree, and not even be a real human being. For more of the Huckabee Report visit
OBAMA: Planned Parenthood is not going anywhere. It's not going anywhere today. It's not going anywhere tomorrow. (applause) As long as we've got a fight to make sure women have access to quality affordable health care, and as long as we've got to fight to protect a woman's right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you've also got a president who's gonna be right there with you fighting every step of the way. (cheers and applause) Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you. God bless America. Thank you. (cheers and applause)

RUSH: "God bless you." I have no words. And I think I'm right about this. The AP says -- I think they're right -- that Obama's the first sitting president to show up and address them. Not even Clinton. And Planned Parenthood would have been a gold mine for Slick Willie. Think of all the action he coulda picked up there. But not even he went there. "God bless you." (sniffle) Sniffle on purpose. There you have it. Our president, "God bless you," Planned Parenthood.
RUSH: I have a question, ladies and gentlemen. What happened to the Barack Obama of last week? Last week Barack Obama talking about what happened in Boston said, "If we can save just one child. If we can save just one child," and today Obama goes and celebrates an abortion factory and closes by saying "God bless you" to Planned Parenthood.

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