Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Dentist by Tim Conway

Tim Conway did a humorous skit about the Dentist  years ago that I so enjoy. I am scheduled for a dental checkup tomorrow so this video came to mind. And don't forget that March 6th is National Dentist Day. Hats off to my Dentist, Dr. Davis.  For you who cannot view the video, I posted some dental jokes for you below as you still need to laugh today.
Did you hear about the dentist who planted a garden?
A month later he was picking his teeth

What does the dentist of the year get?
A little plaque

What do you call a depressed dentist?
A little down in the mouth.

What game did the dentist play when she was a child?
Caps and robbers

What does a dentist do on a roller coaster?
He braces himself

Why did the guru refuse Novocain when he went to his dentist?
He wanted to transcend dental medication.

What did the dentist see at the North Pole?
A molar bear

What was the dentist doing in Panama?
Looking for the Root Canal

Where does the dentist get his gas?
At the filling station
How did the dentist break his mirror?

Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out?
He was already taking out a tooth

What is big and scary and fills cavities?
Dentist the Menace

What did the dentist say to the computer?
This won’t hurt a byte

What do dentists like most about amusement parks?
Molar coasters

Mother: Has your tooth stopped hurting yet?
Son: I don’t know. The dentist kept it

What did the tooth say to the departing dentist?
Fill me in when you get back

What did the vampire say after the dentist finished checking his teeth?
Fang you very much!

“I want a tooth pulled.,” the man said as he entered the Dentist office with his wife, “We are in a hurry, and I don’t want any you to fool around with gas, Novocain, or any of that stuff.” the Dentist replied, “That is mighty brave of you- which tooth is it?” Turning to his wife- the man said, “Show him your tooth Ethyl.”

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